About Me

- Caz
- I am an Entrepreneur and home business owner helping others to live their best life. I am a passionate world traveler. I've had many adventures through 33 countries and lived in 5. I love living life to the fullest and experiencing the abundant wealth and happiness that this amazing planet has to offer. Life is not a dress rehearsal so we have to play full out!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Dream Catch Me
'Dream Catch me' by Newton Faulkner is such a powerfully uplifting song to listen to. I instantly feel so alive and free when I listen to this song. It reminds me of who I am and where I'm going. The lyrics and energy of the song helps me to reconnect with my soul's purpose and passion. It allows me to see that my dreams will always hold me up to a higher purpose and without them I'd fall. I've put the song to videos of my daughter which I think really express the lightness and freeness of the song. Children can so easily express who they are without any limitations. She helps to remind me to just love the fullness of life and to be who I truly am.
Where is the place that you go to when you're alone? The place where you can be anyone you want to be and do anything you want to do. Who do you find in that silent space?
This is who you really are. Spend some time there appreciating you and allow to shine forth in everything you do and say. Stay connected to the true essence and beauty of you, that's who you came here to be. You can be anyone you want and do anything you want. Dream big and believe in the power of it.
That's where I'm going. Where are you going?
Close your eyes and know who you are. Hold you close and let your dreams catch you
(Don’t forget to change your bookmarks and RSS Feed to our new blog location http://EnjoyWealthandHappiness.com/blog)
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Blog has moved location
Friday, September 25, 2009
Positive and Negative Pheromones- What are You Going to Leave Behind?
I’ve been learning about positive and negative pheromones lately through my favorite teacher Dr. Wayne Dyer. These lessons resonated so deeply with me, arrived right in the midst of a powerfully uplifting pheromone experience, and allowed me to understand how they have impacted my life thus far.
Pheromones are particles of unseen energy that are emitted in moments of fear, and in its opposite, love. Well-documented studies have shown that when animals and humans, enter into a room or place where torture has taken place, they feel the painful and cruel energy that existed there. The fear that these pheromones leave behind impact the energy field so that it affects anyone who enters that space even years later.I understood what Dr Wayne Dyer was explaining here as I have been in many places where I have felt deeply the impact of these pheromones on the state of my well-being.
When traveling through Cambodia, a must-see on every traveler’s list is the Killing Fields. This is where at least 200,000 Cambodians were executed by the Khmer Rouge. Before going to the fields we visited the notorious ‘Security Prison 21.’ This was an old high school and it was the place many innocent people were taken to be interrogated and tortured.
Unimaginable pain and terror once existed within those walls and I felt it’s horror so intensely. Just thinking about it brings back the eerie and sickening feeling of that day. We left the torture chambers in deep shock, sickness and horror at how humans could treat one another. We decided we could not visit the Killing Fields and experience any more of what had happened there so many years ago. I just couldn’t experience the brutality of it anymore. All that we read and saw there could have been done through a book and we would never have felt what we did. After learning from Dr. Dyer this week, I now know that I felt so bad that day because of the cruel and painful energy field that was left behind by those tortured souls.
On the other end of the spectrum I have experienced the faster energy fields of love and happiness. We visited Biltmore Estate on the weekend, which is the largest house in America and home of the Vanderbilt Family, who were once the richest in the world. Positive, happy and loving energy fields radiated from the walls in there. You could just feel the joy of what once existed in that warm and welcoming home.
Leaving Biltmore Estate I was filled with a fuzzy warmth inside that signaled to me that a great time was had by anyone who was a guest of the Vanderbilt Family. I’d spent time in the opulence surroundings of the largest house in America, eaten a divine lunch in what was once the stables and finished the day with tastings of wine in the cellars. The pheromones of the place ignited my spirit and left me with thoughts of wealth and the pleasures that are so abundant in our world for us to share and experience. Within these walls once lived a family who loved each other deeply and shared this love and happiness with all who entered and spent time with them.
After learning about pheromones and my experiences today at Biltmore it became more apparent to me just why I am so addicted to and in love with travel. It is through the existence of these pheromones that I can experience life in the richness and fullness of it’s diversity. I can experience the pleasures and pain of so many lives that existed before my own.
I’ve visited places that are full of positive pheromones and I am so uplifted with joy and the power of the human spirit to create so much love. I live through the people that have come before me and I know what it’s like to explore and be the first to gaze upon incredible sights like Victoria Falls; build magnificent temples; play with intense joy or to triumph over adversity and love so deeply.
On the contrary, the pain that has existed in places before has been felt intensely by me upon visitation there also. These pulsing, negative pheromones have brought tears rolling down my cheeks and a sickness to my core. Through them I have felt the horrors of war, of torture, of sickness and poverty, or racial discrimination and hatred. Many times I’ve wanted to turn my back on humanity, stop the world and just get off.
But it is through experiencing each of these acutely (through these pheromones) and by being present in that pain that I have been able to understand what is important in life and from this develop my own personal code of ethics and belief. I know what I need to do to live my life so that I create a world that impacts by leaving only positive pheromones behind.
Do you? What are you choosing to leave behind each day?
Monday, September 21, 2009
Gathering the Strength and Power to Move Forward to the Attainment of your Goals.
As you move along your path to the achievement of your goals there will be times when nothing happens. Everything seems to come to a standstill and there is no movement forward. You become disenchanted, unmotivated and your goals seem so far away and unattainable.
This is the most dangerous part of your mission. This is the time where most people quit as they feel it just won’t happen to them. You have to be aware when this is happening so that you too don’t succumb and quit too. This is momentary pause is not a signal to you that nothing is happening and its time to find another way.This pause is the moment where you need to re-gather and prepare as it’s when things are about to really fly for you.
I’ve been on over 100 hundred flights and still the scariest part for me is just after take-off when the engines seem to cut off and the plane seems to stall and I think that it is about to fall out of the sky. I panic every single time. But every single time after that momentary pause, the plane re-gathers, flattens out and moves forward. And every single time I have arrived safely to my destination.
What do you do then when you arrive at this moment? How do you overcome the fear and the thought that your goals are about to drop out of the skies and aren’t going to reach them?
First recognize what is happening. You are just having a pause to gather your strength. So gather your strength. Focus on why you are doing what you are doing and then do something. That something maybe just to put everything to the side while you take some time out. There is nothing wrong with that. It’s better to have a temporary time out than a permanent one. During your time out enjoy life. Do something fun that will ignite your passion again and remind you of what you want to do and are capable of.
At the moment when I let fear overcome my rational thoughts and I think the plane is going to fall from the sky I have to use all my strength to talk myself around to being calm. I’ll usually hold (squeeze) Craig’s hands to rely on his strength, affirm over and over again what I know to be true- all will be okay and I will get to where I want to go safely, if I just have enough faith. And there lies the key; having faith.
Have faith in what you are doing. Have faith in your ability to get where you need to go, even if you have to have some time out to get there.
During your momentary pause if you just go with it, you will come out refreshed and with even more power to excel your growth. Just stay with your goals. I’m just coming out of a momentary pause. Several big things have been surrounding my life lately- my daughter and husband’s birthdays, a house move, my husband’s parents visiting from Australia and so with that trips away and so forth. (Hence the absence of my blog posts recently).
At times I felt overwhelmed and frustrated by it all and my goals seemed pushed away. I felt all momentum slipping and with all this came the feelings that it was all to much and I just couldn’t do it. Luckily for me now, I recognize what this is and so I know what to do. First I accept it, then enjoy and deal with the other things going on in my life, do as much as I can do well and with enthusiasm and then get excited because now I know my plane is just re-gathering and is about to take off!!
Be on the look out for a few blog posts this week. Don’t forget to sign up for my weekly newsletter- sign up form to the right.
And if you want to learn how you can also learn these strategies for success then you need to commit to empowering yourself through education. It’s the only way forward for you. Sign up here and commit to learning the same empowering techniques to know for yourself, and to create your dream life. Let’s face it, if you don’t do anything different then how is your life going to be any different? I’m offering to be the hand you can squeeze through your moments of fear.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Know for Yourself: Don’t Die With your Music Still Inside of you!
‘Don’t die with your music still in you’…This has to be one of my favorite quotes. Dr. Wayne Dyer has inspired many to find and live their true purpose in life. He first got me asking the serious questions about my life; where it was going and where I wanted it to go. I was at the point of my life where soul was dying- I was not living my true purpose. I didn’t know what it was but I knew that inside of me was a great song that was dying to be played and I was afraid of never getting the chance to play it.
Dr. Dyer gave me what I needed to start playing the first note. I didn’t like the song my life was playing and knew that it was up to me to play a different tune. And so I began playing it. Step by step, I began to open up and allow my song to play. It is being composed each day as I flow with life and I am so grateful that my music is now being played and heard by others.
Being successful is not easy, you don’t hit every note right the first time but you continue to practice. I called upon the support and encouragement of a community of people to assist me along the way. I committed to learning all I could about what it took to be successful and know for myself what it was I came here to do.
What music did you come here to play? Inside of you is a special song that was orchestrated just for you. What is it? What is your song? What is your music? Why are you afraid to play it? The world needs to hear it- of course they do as it’s what you came here to do. The world needs you to develop you; to play your music to help make this world a better place. The world deserves to hear your song!
Your responsibility now is to yourself; to discover what your true purpose is. Education can help you to know this for yourself. Your future depends on you, the music you play depends on you. Whatever you choose to do, don’t choose to die with your music still in you. Don’t quit on you!
There is no excuse for not trying. Where you are now does not determine your future. You write your future, the notes are there, you’ve just got to play them. We all face challenges, sometimes we just need a little help with setting our goals and gaining confidence to know for yourself.
On this special day today 09-09-09 an extraordinary DVD, set to change the lives of many people was released. In it contains the very knowledge that I used and many other successful people, to learn how to play their music. It will build your confidence, giving you the education and the tools you need to start living your true purpose.
You can receive a $5 discount by entering the coupon code: 147551 at http://www.KnowforYourself.com
Get excited! This is the help you have been waiting for. Your music is dying to be played. It’s time for you to play it. Know for Yourself what your music will be.
Do Not Die with Your Music Still in You!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Get on the Field and Touchdown- Join the Evolution
We went to the UNC opening football match on Saturday. The stadium was a sea of electrifying blue, charging up the atmosphere with anticipation, celebration and downright fun! The Tar Heels exploded onto the field and spent the remaining four hours carving it up and smashing their opponents. Even though it really wasn’t a big game it felt like the biggest game of the year because of the charged up energy- the best is yet to come.
Just being there at the beginning of the season with all it’s charged up energy and excitement reminded me of what is happening right now with my business. We are launching tomorrow onto a new platform that is destined to transform the lives of thousands of people both financially and personally. There is so much excitement and anticipation in the air, and we are all charged up for the season of growth that is to come. We are ready to drive our opponents all the way back as we take each player forward to score touchdown after touchdown. Just watch those firecrackers explode.
The question for you is are you going to be on the field experiencing all the guts and glory or are you going to remain in the nosebleed stands forever, looking on just wishing you could be part of the magic? We are taking things to a new level, changing the world one positive news story at a time and one millionaire at a time. You are in the right place, right time to join the evolution.
This is your chance to be there at the beginning of the season, to run out onto the field and make a difference. Information is one of the most consumed products on the planet and we are releasing an educational curriculum that will uplift, inspire and transform. Polaris Media group is about to become a household name. It’s time for you to get on the field and start running.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Have you ever Looked Fear in the Face and said ‘I just don’t care?’
A reminder to you today that in some area of your life right now you are the thunder before the lightning; the breathe before the kiss; the sun before the burn. You are at the defining moment of your life. The moment before the outcome of your destiny. What’s it going to be?
It’s time to look fear in the face and say ‘I just don’t care. I’m ready to be the lightning, I’m ready to be the kiss, I’m ready to be the burn and the flames'.’
This is just the tip of the iceberg- make that decision, do the thing you burn to do and have no regrets. Take that risk, just close your eyes and trust and throw that fistful of glitter in the air.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Ten Years in a Cave - the Resilience of the Human Spirit.
My travels around the world have allowed me to experience a different perspective on life. I have had the opportunity to meet and talk with many people from around the world who come from many different places. I have listened to many stories of survival, triumph, heartache, celebration, love and success that have brought many lessons to my heart and life. There are so many people and stories that have stayed within my soul for me to recall and draw upon when I need a simple reminder of how beautiful, bittersweet and magical this thing called life is.
The resilience of the human spirit became so apparent to me on my travels through Asia. I have never met a more inspirational race of people. How often we complain here in the West of such trivial matters and how ‘bad’ we have it? I am completely guilty of this and writing this post today has humbled me and reminded me just how lucky I am. Life for most Asians, despite their ‘apparent’ lack of wealth is simple, humorous and carefree. It does not matter what hand they are dealt they pick themselves up, they forgive, get over it and make the most of what they have now so that they can improve their future. I miss the profound lessons these people taught me daily.
Craig and I traveled through Laos in Oct 2006. We followed the normal backpacking route but part way in decided to veer off track to have our own experience at Muong Ngoi, a small Laotian riverside village. It was quite a strenuous journey getting there on a hair raising bus ride followed by a small river boat - more like a canoe with a motor placed on it. Thankfully we stuck the journey through to our destination.
We arrived at the village and found several guesthouses at the dock but we decided to trek down to the end of the dirt road to give some business to the guesthouse at the end who would often miss out on the majority of the small number of tourists who filtered in.
We were greeted by the owner of the guesthouse, Nuang Jun, who was gushing with excitement that we had come to stay. Her English was very limited but she immediately made us feel welcome. We could feel how much it meant to her that some farangs (foreigners) had come to stay and she really wanted to do everything in her power to make sure we were comfortable and had a good time. She began to feel embarrassed that she could not offer us more comfort than we would have received elsewhere. She had no electricity and little food to offer us and our accommodation was just a very basic wooden hut with an outside toilet and only scoops of cold water to dunk yourself with to have a shower.
For us this was not a problem, we’d stayed in much worse and for us we travelled for the experiences of the land and the people; not where we put our head at night. Anyway we loved the simplicity and peacefulness of it all. All we noticed was the amazing view we had of the picturesque, jungled mountains by the river and the warmth and happiness that radiated out from this kind lady.
Throughout the week we were to spend some time getting to know the family. Their 22 year old son, Gai, spoke perfect English and he became our guide and friend. He took us on treks through the jungle to visit nearby traditional hillside villages, where he taught us much about the history of the area and the customs of the people. He also took us fishing, traditional Laotian style. I spent the day in total amazement at how skillful he was and how easy he made it seem. I could not even cast the net out in the water let alone catch fish.
I loved spending time with Gai. Each minute was a reminder to me of how grateful I should be of all I have and not only that but a reminder of just what the human spirit is capable of doing and being. He was so determined to make his life and that of his family a success. He was really playing life full out and making the most of his not so fortunate circumstances.
Gai had only one arm. Even though I could see this whenever I looked at him, I always forgot as he could accomplish so much. He could do everything I could do yet better. He operated with total confidence, grace and reverence. Gai was building a bar on the island. It was his dream and he spent every spare minute he had bringing his dream together. He built everything himself. He sawed, and carved and hammered together every piece of wood.
He went away for months at a time to study in Luang Prabang, the city, and when he was home he would work hard to provide a good life for his mother. He was a good, loving and kind son. Every spare moment he had when he was not doing this, he would be working on his bar. The bar he was building was to provide foreigners with a place to socialize, drink and hang out. He envisioned his little village prospering with the increase in foreign visitors to the place and he wanted to make it one they would remember and return to.
He designed a beautiful, tranquil garden and his central focal piece of the bar was his prized possession- the big shell of an American missile, which stood proudly at the entrance to the bar. On the shell was the name of his bar. Our family lived in the mountainous regions of Laos; a place that was heavily bombarded during the Vietnam War. We learned about all of this on one of our last days there in the village. We sat down with the family to have a delicious yet simple meal by candlelight and by the light of the thousands of stars that lit up the dark sky.
The mother, in her broken English, began to tell us her story. She was only a young girl , 8 years of age, when the Vietnam War started. The village lived in constant fear of the continual planes that flew over head, dropping their bombs of hatred upon a land of people they did not know; people who were oblivious to the world beyond their rice fields and fishing nets; people who knew nothing of the reasons for the war and who only wanted to live in harmony with the land and with each other.
To escape the devastation and fear, the whole village moved to live inside the caves of the nearby limestone mountains. For 10 years they lived in that dark, damp, cool cave; daring to venture out only at night time under the cover of darkness to tend to the fields so they could eat and survive. They had no light and little food. Many of their fellow villages died when they emerged from the caves at certain times of the day to satisfy their most basic needs.
For 10 years they lived in that cave together. The mother of our family met and married her husband in that cave. She entered it aged 8, and came out when she was 18, married and pregnant with her first child. Take a moment to stop now and think of your last 10 years. Think about all you have done, everything you have experienced. It's a lot right? Now think about that period of time; it's a long time right? So just imagine for that length of time you lived in the dark, depths of a cave, and that was all you experienced; terrified that if you stepped out for just a glimpse of sunshine and food to eat, you could be blown to smithereens.
I'll never forget the silent stillness I felt that night as I listened to her story. Words could never describe how it moved me, yet at the same time removed all thoughts from my mind. I felt such a deep love and respect for the courage, strength and power this lady possessed. I felt so small and undeserving in her presence. I felt that as a Westerner, even though in her eyes I had so much, in essence I had so little.
The story did not end there. She then went on to tell us about her son Gai and what we already suspected to be the truth. When he was eleven, he was out playing in the mountains, nearby the village, when he picked up a shiny piece of metal to examine it out of curiosity, and it exploded in his hands.
He spent 2 months in the hospital recovering. His mother was so grateful that he was alive and she did not lose her precious baby to that war that had already taken so much from her. He lost his arm, and took a lot of shrapnel in the belly and eye and bares these horrific scars with no shame or anger.
I did not sleep much that night. In the stillness of the night my mind played over and over again their story. I pictured it in my mind and tried to imagine what life was once like for them living in a cave not knowing if each day was to be their last. I couldn't imagine how someone could experience such tragedy yet be so forgiving, so grateful, so peaceful, so warm and loving and eager to make these foreigners have a memorable stay in their simple home. We essentially were their enemy but to them it did not matter. How could they want us around, let alone want to please us? How could they be so forgiving? My small mind could not comprehend the magnanimity of their character. I could only learn from it and hope that I could only ever possess a small amount of the depth of their love and forgiveness.
As I finally drifted off to sleep I saw Gai proudly showing off his prized possession- his 6 foot bomb casing that stood in the front of his bar as a testament to his human spirit. It would always serve as a reminder to him of what he was capable of. That no bomb could ever stand in his way or change his destiny. He was bigger and more powerful than any bomb- it could take away his arm, but it wouldn't take away his sense of purpose, his courage, his ability to dream and achieve, his sense of forgiveness, and the peace he felt in his heart.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Michael Jordan's thoughts on failure
Friday, August 21, 2009
Does your Past Equal Your Future?
There are many that tout the catchphrase '”Your past does not equal your future,” myself included. There is a certain amount of truth to this statement but there is also a part of this that does not hold true which I would like to explain to you today. The truth of this phrase can imprison you or it can set you free.
Your Past Does not Equal your Future
What this means is that you do not have to have the same life that you led in the past. You can change it. You can make your future bigger, brighter, happier, wealthier, poorer, sadder, and so forth.
You can in fact make your future anything you want. You are not defined by your past mistakes. Just because you made bad investments, cheated on your spouse, stole from your co-workers, spent time in prison etc does not mean this is all your future will hold for you. You can make the decision to not let the past define your future any more.
Your Past Does Equal Your Future
However you can continue to have the same tomorrow as you did yesterday. I’m sorry to ruin this positive affirmation for you. And if you spend your days chanting this affirmation in the hopes that things change you have been misled. In order to successfully change your tomorrow’s you must understand the hidden truth to this affirmation.
Your past will continue to equal your future for as long as you continue to ignore the past and the lessons that have been there for you. All the trials and tribulations in your past have existed as an avenue for a lesson for you to learn, so that you may grow, in order to do whatever it was that you came here to do. If you refuse to face your past, it will continue to relive itself in your future, until you face the truth of whatever it is you need to acknowledge and learn. So in that respect your past will always equal your future.
Set Yourself Free From the Past
It is time to sit and face the demons of your past. Acknowledge whatever it is that you have done and whatever it is that has happened that you don’t like or are afraid of. Ask it why is it here? What has it come to teach you? Ask for the lesson to be shown clearly to you? and then listen…
Will you like what you hear? Probably not and you will find it could be very painful but the truth shall set you free. Your life will not change and you will not be able to create a brighter tomorrow unless you do this. Ask yourself ‘Does it really matter?' ‘Does whatever is hiding there in the shadows really matter?’ Does it really define you as bad or as a loser or evil? Is this who you really are?
The answer is no. You are a divine being having a human experience. This is the one constant in your life. The one thing that will never change is the divinity of you that exists in your core. This is all that matters. Your past choices and mistakes should not be taking an active role in your future. They are there to help you on your journey. You are not a ‘bad’ person because of your past. You may have made bad choices but it’s not who you really are.
When you face the reality of this truth you will be able to forgive yourself and move forward. You will see with total clarity that your past does not matter; that your past really does not equal your future.
The question to ask your self now is ‘Do you really want to continue holding onto the past?” Is it worth it? Do you want to keep reliving your pains of yesterday?….
…. Because you know, you can easily let go of it, if you choose to!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Be Yourself
My advice to you today is that no matter where you are or what is going on for you, turn the speakers up real loud and just sing with passion to this song. I love it! The message of the song is so powerful. It doesn’t matter what is going on for you right now you just have to Be Yourself!
To Be Yourself Is all that you Can do!
Your soul chose you for this Earth journey. You are perfect for whatever it was your soul came here to learn and be. Your soul needs you exactly as you are- so just be yourself!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
When you're ready to quit just do this....
Monday, August 10, 2009
If Today was Your Last Day….
My best friend gave me the best advice
He said each day’s a gift and not a given right
Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind
And try to take the path less traveled by
That first step you take is the longest stride
If today was your last day
and tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday?
Would you live each moment like your last?
Leave old pictures in the past
Donate every dime you have?
If today was your last day
Against the grain should be a way of life
What’s worth the prize is always worth the fight
Every second counts ’cause there’s no second try
So live like you’ll never live it twice
Don’t take the free ride in your own life
If today was your last day
and tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday?
Would you live each moment like your last?
Leave old pictures in the past
Donate every dime you have?
Would you call old friends you never see?
Reminisce of memories
Would you forgive your enemies?
Would you find that one you’re dreamin’ of?
Swear up and down to God above
That you finally fall in love
If today was your last day
If today was your last day
Would you make your mark by mending a broken heart?
You know it’s never too late to shoot for the stars
Regardless of who you are
So do whatever it takes
‘Cause you can’t rewind a moment in this life
Let nothin’ stand in your way
Cause the hands of time are never on your side
If today was your last day
and tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday?
Would you live each moment like your last?
Leave old pictures in the past
Donate every dime you have?
Would you call old friends you never see?
Reminisce of memories
Would you forgive your enemies?
Would you find that one you’re dreamin’ of?
Swear up and down to God above
That you finally fall in love
If today was your last day
I so love this song by Nickelback. Read the words carefully, especially the highlighted parts, and make it your reality. Live each day like it’s your last. You’ll find it’s a total blast!
Leave a comment in the box below saying what you would do if today was your last day….. (and then go do it)
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Stay on the Rails No Matter What
As a child I loved to immerse myself in Golden Books. I loved the little stories and pictures and would read them over and over again. I held on to most of them and now delight in sharing them with my daughter.
Little Golden Books are just that as they contain within in them little Golden pieces of wisdom. Who ever knew as a child that the words of a golden book held such priceless lessons that could teach us how to live a rewarding, successful and fulfilling life.
I re-discovered some of their pearls of wisdom just yesterday when I was reading to Kalyra the book ‘Tootle.’
Tootle is a baby locomotive who attends a school for engines so he can learn how to be a big locomotive. He attends many classes but the most important is ‘Staying on the Rails No Matter What!’ His instructor is adamant that the trains will never be any good unless they can get 100 A+ in this course. They can afford to ‘spill the soup pulling the diner’ and ‘turning the milk to butter now and then’ but if they come off the rails they fail!
Tootle wanted to be the NY flyer; the fastest train around. He began to work very hard to learn all he could but as time went by he kept getting distracted by all the fun things in the meadow and he would get off the tracks to go play.
Tootle had the makings to be the fastest train on the rails but he just couldn’t stay on them. Despite all his skills and deep desires he just could no help being enticed by the meadow. He began to fail ‘Staying on the Rails No Matter What’ and he was just going nowhere. His dream to be the NY flyer was getting further from becoming a reality.
The people of the village came up with a plan to get Tootle back on track and out of playing in the meadow. Tootle knew he always had to stop at a red flag and so the villagers hid in the meadow and at every turn of Tootle’s playing they held up a red flag and Tootle stopped.
He began to feel frustrated and disappointed in the meadow. How could he have any fun when he constantly had to stop? All the fun was gone and he found himself going around and around in circles. He couldn’t understand why the meadow was such a fine place to begin with and he longed for a green flag to help him get moving again.
Eventually he saw his teacher holding a green flag on the tracks and Tootle raced to get back on track. “This is the place for me” said Tootle. “There is nothing but red flags for locomotives that get off their tracks.”
And of course Tootle then went on to become the famous ‘Two Mile a Minute Flyer!’
What a profound message this story holds for it’s reader. Think carefully about it’s message and how it applies to your life at this moment.
What is it that is in the meadow distracting you from become the ‘fastest train around?’ How do you see these eventually turning into red flags?
Distractions such as TV, facebook, wii, eating, playing, gossiping, non-productive tasks etc don’t help you to stay on track. Sure they are fun for awhile but eventually you’re going to get lost in this maze of red flags that just keep stopping you from getting to your destination. Pretty soon the fun will be gone and you will be frustrated, longing for a way out.
How are you going to get back on track and Who is going to help you?
Sometimes we need the help of a community and leaders to help us get back on track. Tootle’s community recognized his power, saw he was having difficulty staying focused on his goals and living up to his potential, and so they devised a plan to help show him the cost of his distractions and to get him back on track to becoming great.
My business has phenomenal success because it is founded on this principle. The community of people I work with in my business and the training I receive have taught me how to stay on track, ignore the diversions of the meadow and power on to be the best that I can be. There is always someone waving a green flag to help me just in case that meadow becomes too enticing.
It doesn’t matter how talented you are or how much you say you want something, if you don’t commit 100 A+ to staying on the tracks no matter what then you just aren’t going to go anywhere!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
You Won the Race- What a champion!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Nike says it best.....Just Do It!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Commit To Excellence
Sunday, July 26, 2009
From the Struggle Comes the Ability to Fly
From the struggle comes life, beauty, perfection and the ability to fly......
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Let Your Light Shine
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Make YOUR Future Bigger than Your Past....
I was utilizing my time by listening to empowering Personal Development CD's rather than crappy radio which only plays a constant stream of ads, DJ dribble and the same songs played over and over again. I'd rather use that time to develop me to make my life outstanding. I was listening to 'The Laws of Lifetime Growth' by Dan Sullivan and Catherine Nomura and what I heard made all the pieces of the puzzle click into place.
...was just the beginning of my future - then My Goodness imagine what my future must now hold for me!! If I created this past before and now I know I can create an even bigger future, than wahoo let's get creating. I am so empowered to live a compeltely full life and all I can now say is
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Trump and Kiyosaki Support the Network Marketing Industy
Okay so my words might not hold much weight for you. So I"m going to start off with the words of some very influential, wealthy businessmen. A millionaire and a billionaire- both self made. I'm sure you've heard of them, Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump. Now I don't know about you but I usually pay attention when either of them speak as they are where I want to be. They know how to create wealth and the best way to do it.
Donald Trump was on the Dave Letterman show one night and Dave asked him if he lost everything what would he do?....and Trump replied: "I would find a good network marketing company and get to work!".... to which the audience laughed and jeered at him. He then replied to the audience by saying:..."that's why I am up here and you are all sitting down there!"